
East Riding Local Plan Update

Proposed Modifications Consultation

The next stage of the East Riding Local Plan Update sets out the vision and planning policies for the area for the next 15 years and is a key driver in determining planning applications and development opportunities.

The current Local Plan was adopted in 2016 and has since been undergoing a process of review and update. The Local Plan Update was submitted for independent examination in March 2023 and has been subject to several hearing sessions in 2023 and 2024. Following these, the Inspector has recommended a number of ‘Main’ Modifications required to make the plan sound and has now requested public consultation on these proposed changes.

The consultation is taking place between Monday 9th September and 11.59pm on Monday 21st October 2024.

How to view the documents

A Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications has been prepared, alongside the associated Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment. Additionally,  the council has prepared a List of Proposed Minor Modifications to provide clarity, updated information, or address typos. This List contains Appendix B, which sets out the proposed modifications to the Policies Map.

A number of supporting documents have been published on East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s website, although comments are not sought on these. They include an updated Consultation Statement and Equalities Impact Assessment, as well as a Statement of Representations Procedure and Guidance Note. 

The consultation documents and further information, including on how to respond, can be found at:

Hard reference copies of the main consultation documents will also be available to view in East Riding Libraries and Customer Service Centres throughout the consultation period.

How to respond

An online SmartSurvey response form is available on the website above. Alternatively, a downloadable and/or printable response form is available which can be filled out and returned to ERYC by email or post. Please see these forms for information on how your data will be used.

At this stage, comments are invited on the legal compliance, duty to cooperate, and soundness of the Main Modifications. General comments are invited on the Minor Modifications (including Policies Maps), Sustainability Appraisal, and Habitats Regulations Assessment.

All consultation responses should be received by 11:59pm on Monday 21st October 2024. Late responses may not be considered. 

If you have any queries, please contact the Forward Planning team at ​ or 01482 391701.