Gilberdyke Parish Council awards grants to voluntary organisations and community groups that, in the opinion of the Council, are in the interests of the parish and will benefit residents in a manner commensurate with the expenditure and where financial need is demonstrated. All applications will be considered on their individual merits. The final decision on assessment of applications and the level of any award offered lies with the Council.
Amount of grant you can apply for
Applications for capital grants have an upper limit of £5,000 per application. The average award is between £250 and £500.
Applications for revenue grants have an upper limit of £10,000 per year.
Applicants for capital grants will be required to meet at least 50% of the estimated cost of the purchase of the asset.
Applicants for revenue grants will need to demonstrate significant community benefit to the grant, which may include the organisation’s inability to function without it, additional third party grant funding obtained as a result of the grant, or additional services provided to the community as a consequence of the grant.
Differences between capital and revenue grants
Capital grants can be used to purchase assets, either new or the significant refurbishment of existing assets, such as equipment, refurbishment of a building or the provision of a children’s play area.
Revenue grants cover an organisation’s general running costs, for example short-term operational expenses, salaries, supplies, maintenance, and other ongoing costs.
When to apply?
Applications for capital grants between £501 and £5,000 open on 1 April annually and close on 30 June annually. Any such applications will be considered by the Council at the July Parish Council meeting.
Applications for capital grants of £500 or lower will open on 1 September annually and close on 31 November annually. Any such applications will be considered by the Council at the next available Parish Council meeting.
Applications for revenue grants can be made at any time, recognising that salary costs for an organisation may not be known until the end of the organisation’s accounting period. If an organisation is considering applying for a revenue grant it is recommended that early contact is made with the Clerk to discuss the application.
Applicants will be notified of the Council’s decision on their application within one month of the meeting of the Council that considered the application.
The easiest way to apply is using the online form below. Please ensure that you have read the Grant Guidance Notes before starting your application.