
Notes of 26 November 2024 Jubilee Pond Working Group meeting

7:00 pm, Tuesday 26 November 2024
Conference Room, Gilberdyke War Memorial Hall

Parish Councillor Sam Taylor-Dunn chaired the meeting as Chair of the JPWG. There were a total of eight attendees.

1. Chair’s opening remarks

The Chair requested that attendees observed basic meeting etiquette (e.g. raising their hands if they wished to speak, not talking over one another) and that she would not tolerate poor behaviour.

2. Updates on previous recommendations

The Clerk provided an update on the progress of previous recommendations from the JPWG.

a) The change to age limits
The Clerk advised that he would update the Conditions of Fishing in the new year, after the Services Committee meet in December 2024 and had a chance to review any other changes it may wish to make or recommend.

The Clerk advised that he had received no requests from volunteers since the last meeting.

The Clerk advised that the ecological report prepared by Hugh Roberts was now with councillors, who would be considering next steps at the next Parish Council meeting.

3. Items raised by members

An attendee advised that he would be getting in touch with the Clerk regarding a request to volunteer to apply wood preserver to items at Jubilee Pond.

An attendee advised that he thought the hedge at the pond needed trimming.

The next meeting of the JPWG will be at 7:00 pm on Tuesday 28 January 2025, in the Conference Room at Gilberdyke War Memorial Hall.