
Notes of 8 August 2023 Jubilee Pond Working Group

Lee Webster (Chair)
Helen Baker (Secretary)
Mike Whitley
Ian Young
Pete Buckle
John Boyes
Steve Page
Jake Wilde (Clerk to Parish Council)

Updates on actions from last meeting
Lee had spoken to the RSPB who could not send any actual bird boxes as donations but had sent a very informative book, with some leaflets on creating a pond and some packs of wildflower seeds.
The old concrete bin had been demolished on Sunday with a paving slab placed there to be the base of the planter. Ian was worried that this may be a trip hazard. Lee stated that the well would be large enough to cover most of the slab. The wishing well was to be collected and sited this coming weekend. Mike to provide the transport for collection.

Jake had spoken to the grass cutting contractor regarding leaving a border of uncut grass around the pond perimeter and base of trees, which would not be a problem.

Posters to advertise meetings had been created but had not yet been able to be printed. Lee was going to try to borrow a printer to use for some colour copies which could be displayed in various shops, post office and on notice boards around the village. No further suggestions of other places were offered.

Lee also advised he had visited Burnby Hall to view the reeds and lilies in their pond as this is how the process would work in the Jubilee Pond. Ian stated that he did not want the lilies to take over the pond which John and Pete agreed with and that they did not want any risk of disease being brought in from other ponds. However, if managed correctly by the recommended person, this should not happen and should only improve the water quality and wildlife habitat further. Pete stated that the water quality was excellent already and Helen asked if he had records of the readings. Pete said they were on his phone and that he would provide these.

Mike had very kindly brought with him some small plastic templates to be placed where a “hedgehog highway” was (hole in fencing) and these stated not to cover up the hole that it would be situated above.

The island
Residents were asked for their thoughts on whether to refurb or replace the existing goose island. New members of the group were given an explanation of the importance of the island for nesting geese that return every year. Helen asked Jake if it was yet known what, if any, budget would be allocated to the group in the next financial year as this may influence the decision regarding the island. Jake said there was no way of knowing yet. Several options of what material a new island could be made from were discussed and Lee asked if any resident would like to gain a few quotes for this. John offered to do this before the next meeting. The majority thought it may be a good idea (if quotes allowed for this in the price) for a new one to be purchased from this year’s budget and try to get it established before removing the other island. Pete and Ian felt that the existing island would not repair any further and it was decided to leave it where it is for the time being in case the new island was not ready in time for next year’s nesting season.

Wildlife boxes
Lee had brought in an example of a bird box that had been donated. 9 have been donated in total from various residents. Helen advised she would approach some retailers in Goole and possibly Gilberdyke Garden Centre again about any donations of these.

An event was discussed where local families could possibly come along to the pond and bring a bird box that the child could paint and be put up in a place of the child’s choice. It was discussed that as much as we want to get the community involved, the bird boxes need to be placed in particular positions depending on the type of bird that it is designed for, if our main aim is to encourage the wildlife to the site. Children could still paint the box and leave for us to place then advise them where it has been situated afterwards. Bank holiday weekend was a suggestion for this but all felt that was too soon to organise, advertise and prepare and that people may be away on holidays. All felt the idea was good but more prep time was needed.

How/where to advertise
Helen enquired if anyone had access to a colour printer and Mike advised that he did and Lee could ask his mum. Jake also advised that Harry Broadley and Sons in Goole are reasonable for getting bulk items printed (for community events etc). Jake handed over the key for the pond notice board to Lee and Helen. Helen let Lee take charge of this.

Date of next meeting
Tuesday 22nd August 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm in Gilberdyke War Memorial Hall.


  • John to get quotes for different types of islands before the next meeting. Lee gave John some contact numbers that he already had for this.
  • Mike and Lee to collect the wishing well from Selby on Saturday 12th, all being well, and to ensure the paving slab that it is to be situated on does not create a trip hazard once the wishing well is placed there (this should not be an issue due to the size of the wishing well).
  • Helen to research for a suitable plaque to name the wishing well and enquire at some businesses in Goole for possible donations of wildlife boxes. Also, to approach the garden centre again.
  • Lee to post on Facebook to ask for volunteers to help with the wishing well and for any further donations of bird boxes.
  • Pete to provide the historic water quality readings so that this could be monitored as changes were carried out moving forwards.
  • Mesh around the perimeter open fencing to be checked as it was thought that not all the stretch along Station Road had mesh on it to prevent the ducklings from getting out that way and being run over. Helen checked this on her return walk home and only half of that fence length has been meshed on the bottom panel space (from the corner of the walkway leading to Flaxmill to halfway down Station Road. (Helen to advise Jake to get this work completed and with a smaller size of mesh due to a duckling getting caught in it previously).
  • Jake to contact the contractors who spray the weeds to ask them not to use these in the border areas that are to be left uncut and under the trees. Also for Jake to advise (or ask if necessary) what the update is on the aeration pump.