7:00 pm to 8:00 pm, Tuesday 11 June 2024
Conference Room, Gilberdyke War Memorial Hall
Parish Councillor Sam Taylor-Dunn chaired the meeting as Chair of the JPWG.
There were a total of fifteen attendees.
1. Chair’s opening remarks
The Chair requested that attendees observed basic meeting etiquette (e.g. raising their hands if they wished to speak, not talking over one another) and that she would not tolerate poor behaviour.
2. Notes of the previous meeting and any updates
The notes of the previous meeting had been published on the Parish Council website on 25 April 2024. The one recommendation from that meeting had not been agreed by the Parish Council.
The Clerk advised that work was due to commence on the Jubilee Pond Accessibility Project shortly, but a final meeting with the contractor was necessary. Following that, formal publicity regarding the project would be published.
3. Unauthorised access onto or into the water at Jubilee Pond
The Clerk advised that, after recent events involving unauthorised access onto the water at Jubilee Pond, he had consulted with the Council’s insurers who confirmed that:
- It was important that sufficient measures and risk assessments be conducted by the Council to prevent unauthorised access from occurring
- There were no circumstances under which the insurers would provide cover for any persons to access the water
4. Littering and anti-social behaviour at Jubilee Pond
The Clerk reported that there had been several recent reports of littering and onto-social behaviour at Jubilee Pond. These should be reported to the Clerk, either by email or through the website. Anti-social behaviour should also be reported to the Police and/or East Riding of Yorkshire Council. https://gilberdykeparishcouncil.gov.uk/anti-social-behaviour-report-it/
5. Items raised by attendees
The following recommendations were agreed to be put to the Parish Council:
- To explore providing fishing training/teaching sessions over the summer
- To explore running a fishing competition at the end of the summer holidays
- To conduct research into the effects of using barley hay in Jubilee Pond
- To agree, in principle, to the humane relocation of a number of wildfowl, following the advice of accredited wildlife experts and for such relocation to be conducted by an accredited third party
- For unhooking mats to be added to the list of compulsory equipment for the Conditions of Fishing at Jubilee Pond
- For the minimum age for unsupervised fishing at Jubilee Pond to be raised from 13 to 16 and the Conditions of Fishing at Jubilee Pond to be amended accordingly
The meeting also agreed to add the idea of a lending library of equipment to the agenda of the next meeting of the JPWG for further discussion.
The next meeting of the JPWG will be at 7:00 pm on Tuesday 30 July 2024, in the Conference Room at Gilberdyke War Memorial Hall.
Jake Wilde, Clerk to Gilberdyke Parish Council